El Tlacoyo i Tempe

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Forenede StaterEl Tlacoyo



🕗 åbningstider

2535, East University Drive, 85281, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-894-9543
internet side: eltlacoyo.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.4213671, Longitude: -111.8834279

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sal Gutierrez


    Authentic Mexico City food. Barbacoa is the best on the weekend

  • Sam Meyers

    Sam Meyers


    I got the red chili enchiladas and they were the most disgusting thing I have ever had literally in my life. The margarita was nasty too. I recommend never going here.

  • Kyle Preston

    Kyle Preston


    A perfectly hidden and delectible Mexican Restaurant. They have a large selection on the menu for such a small operation, and the food always comes out quick and fresh. Authentic Mexican Food at its best!

  • Matthew John Whitney

    Matthew John Whitney


    Not your average "bertos" taco shop. Unique flavors from what I can only assume is authentic Mexican cuisine. Superior service. I'm a chef and I have nothing but great things to say about this hidden gem.

  • M G

    M G


    If you looking for authentic Mexican food you have to come to El Tlacoyo. The food is very taste and the customer service is excellent. You have to come eat here to know what traditional Mexican food tastes like.

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