Egg Harbor Cafe w Alpharetta

Stany ZjednoczoneEgg Harbor Cafe



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5966, North Point Parkway, 30022, Alpharetta, Fulton County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 470-275-5800
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.0489604, Longitude: -84.2826777

komentarze 5

  • Dexter Mathis

    Dexter Mathis


    Food was amazing. Tyler was an amazing and very compassionate hostess. She was beyond accommodating. Loved the strawberry Lemonade and the waffle deserves the chef kiss. It was one of the best Belgian waffles I've had in an extremely long time.

  • Gavin Martin

    Gavin Martin


    So good I ate here for breakfast both days I was in town for business. Service was great, patio was peaceful and the food was delicious. If in Alpharetta again will be back for sure.

  • Britney Barwick

    Britney Barwick


    Excellent restaurant! Plenty of room, great customer service, and the food was divine. I got the special of fried green tomatoes Benedict. It was cooked perfectly and tasted delicious. I also ordered the honeybee harborcinno. It was frozen and just the right amount of sweet. My husband and I split the cinnamon roll French toast and it was superb. Definitely recommend!

  • John Tseng

    John Tseng


    Nice little cafe, pretty atmosphere Simple menu but delicious with a twist Happy we found the restaurant while traveling for work

  • Michael Do

    Michael Do


    The Salmon Benedict was the best I've had since I went to a convention in Miami at DoubleTree. The sauce was light, the salmon was smoked perfectly, everything was well balanced. It made me incredibly happy to be able to find my favorite Benedict being made to its truest form!! The big surprise was the Swedish Pancakes... they were utterly magnificent! I've eaten many crepes in Paris, but I say, these are my new favorite brunch item. Light, airy, the perfect amount of sweetness makes every bite such a pleasure. Egg Harbor Cafe did a wonderful job making this brunch experience exceptional. I would recommend this place to any people who enjoy breakfast. P.S. Grace was a wonderful hostess as well

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