Edward L. Gaylord Downtown YMCA i Oklahoma City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterEdward L. Gaylord Downtown YMCA



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1, Northwest 4th Street, 73102, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 405-297-7700
internet side: www.ymcaokc.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.4724342, Longitude: -97.5128796

kommentar 5

  • Øyvind Sunnarvik

    Øyvind Sunnarvik


    Nice gym with a good mix of free weights and machines. As well as a large selection of classes and a basketball court, running track and a pool!

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    David Elmquist


    Not kid friendly, but all the equipment and programming is up to date and in good condition. Just really don't like the fact that there is so much more 'll so swim instead of open swim. Makes it hard on families. Also there's not much kids that are to old for child watch but not old enough to work out can do.

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    Rick Phillips


    This is your regular young men's Christian Association type of organization. You can swim, play basketball, lift weights, get a massage, it's a great place to go if you want to exercise and have a little bit of company while you do it. I always enjoy going to the Y, because I know I'm going to have a good time. I think you will do.

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    Андрей Соломонов


    Great gym! Has everything what I need. Like it!

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    Hoang Tran


    I used to work here. I used to work out here(avidly). It saddens me to see how some things have been left unnoticed or ignored. The men's locker room is absolutely disgusting. The behavior of men who use the facility is completely appalling. Not everyone is a slob; however, little is done to maintain a clean and sanitized locker room. On two occasions, I contracted ring worm( tinea). I spoke with other members and they also developed some form of fungus or skin rash.

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