Ed's Auto Collision w Sayville

Stany ZjednoczoneEd's Auto Collision



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160, Greeley Avenue, 11782, Sayville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-589-9333
strona internetowej: edsautocollision.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7398433, Longitude: -73.0883717

komentarze 5

  • Maria Rose

    Maria Rose


    I'm always apprehensive about bringing my car to shops because it's really a hit or miss. Unfortunately, my car was totaled and I wasn't able to experience what I would have definitely expected to be amazing service. With that being said, however, they treated me as if I was going to be getting my car repaired there. Andy was absolutely amazing and extremely knowledgeable. He helped me out with some tips to make sure that I got the best estimate possible on the loss. Even when I came to clear my car out he was trying to see if I could make a little extra money on the car from the tires. I hope that I don't have another accident again but if I do, I will definitely be coming back to them. I will be referring everyone I know in the area to get work done by them because it was truly one of the best experiences I've had with an auto body shop.

  • eunice casillo

    eunice casillo


    An exceptionally pleasant experience .. After my car accident I was very shaken up. John and Andy made me feel like everything was going to be fine.. I was so happy dealing with them. I highly recommend Eds Auto Collision.. Not only were they friendly , their work is immaculate.

  • Nivek G

    Nivek G


    Even though my car was totaled these people were honest and true to their word. Definitely recommend and definitely going again if car troubles happen.

  • en

    Gary Mystkowski


    I was a victim of sliding on black ice on the LIE. My 2015 Toyota Prius needed the front bumper replacement with a hood and fender alignment. Ed’s Auto Collision was highly recommended by folks I trust. So, I brought my car in and spoke to Andy. He looked at the car and provided an estimated repair cost. They use only Toyota OEM parts and the work is guaranteed for the life of the vehicle. When I picked up the car I was so delighted to see the paint matched perfectly! The hood and fender alignment was spot on as well. The car was completely cleaned inside and out. I appears, they also buffed the headlamps and tail lamps. The car looks like when I drove it out of the Toyota dealership that rainy day. Both Any and John helped me through the entire process, true pros!

  • Thomas Watson

    Thomas Watson


    I was actually referred to Ed's through a friend that works here . From the moment I walked in the door they were incredibly professional and courteous toward me my girlfriend who had never been in an accident before or dealt with a body shop ; let alone a haggling insurance company. They really went that extra mile to ease her concerns and explain what the entire process would be like. They arranged a sick rental car for her. Repaired all damaged areas on the car , Blended the paint perfectly. We Also asked for a quote on a small dent that was from a separate occurrence and they repaired it at a very very reasonable cost. When the car was complete it was detailed immaculate. I've paid over 150 dollars for a detail of this manner. It really was a great experience. Great quality of work. Great customer service. They even sent a Thank You card a week later. They gained customer's for life. Thanks to Paul , John , and Andy for their hard work! Tom & Amanda

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