Edible Arrangements w Deer Park

Stany ZjednoczoneEdible Arrangements



🕗 godziny otwarcia

520, Commack Road, 11729, Deer Park, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-745-0000
strona internetowej: www.ediblearrangements.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.766746, Longitude: -73.3121216

komentarze 5

  • Gregory Hux

    Gregory Hux


  • Child Of God

    Child Of God


    When did fruit become so expensive?

  • Ketrina Twink

    Ketrina Twink


  • GaryWRNY



    Paid 100 dollars for a nice basket that was a promotional item they were pushing. Wanted it delivered to a business the next day. Ordered it all online, was not much of a hassle. Called the store at 5pm because it had no been delivered yet. The lady was very nice and told me it was in transit. She also said it was a "busy delivery day". I was dissatisfied with this answer, but did not mention it. This basket did not arrive until 6:30 PM, a time when basically nobody else was there, and a half hour before the person I was getting it for was supposed to leave. Doing something like getting this delivered to a business is not about just "receiving" it. Its about it being there for everybody at the workplace to see and enjoy. "Ohh, look, so-and-so's Boyfriend got this delivered to her here, lets all get some" To pay 100 dollars and see this come home because it arrived so late in the day, unopened, is basically wasting my money. I will never use this company again in any regard. At least a Florist is experienced enough to know times to deliver and WHY people use their establishment. This particular location does not seem to understand this.

  • Noel V

    Noel V


    Great customer service

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