Eden Nail w Secaucus

Stany ZjednoczoneEden Nail



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91, Plaza Ctr, 07094, Secaucus, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-422-9492
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7912958, Longitude: -74.0574137

komentarze 5

  • en

    Autumn Mansfield


    They are very nice I can't wait to go back

  • Marin Clan

    Marin Clan


    Customer service is great!! I walk in and the staff greets me and takes care of me right away... Pretty much zero wait time. My nails look great and they are not cheap with their products. If I don’t like the color they remove it and help me find a color I’m happy with without an attitude. They have a pretty good polish selection to choose from. On top of that they are open pretty late. Just not open on Sundays but hey I can live with that.

  • Amyliz A

    Amyliz A


    I have been doing my nails here for over a year now and honeslty there is no place like it. My nails are so long and healthy, they know how to treat them well and they know how to treat customers as well.

  • Sophie M.

    Sophie M.


    Almost every time I get a gel manicure here, it chips or peels immediately. Also, the nail polish application is always sloppy. On top of that, I don't feel like the customer service is good. I am very understanding when people are tired or make mistakes, but they just plain don't care and I'd rather spend my money on a better service with better results. Do not recommend.

  • Francia C.

    Francia C.


    I have NEVER been so pissed over something so trivial. But i would advise you to go somewhere else. I dont know it this was racially motivated. But I will never come back to this place again! The girl did a terrible job on my pedicure, se wad rude when I asked her to fix it. And when i had the nerve to complain. Her and her boss thought it would ve funny to insult me in spanish. Maybe next time they should make sure that whoever they are speaking about doesnt understand them. I am over this place. DO NOT COME HERE!

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