Ecton Park i Lexington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterEcton Park


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956, Turkey Foot Road, 40502, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 859-288-2900
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Latitude: 38.0146318, Longitude: -84.4904251

kommentar 5

  • Punpakez



    Great fields to play games

  • Amber H

    Amber H


    Wonderful little park. FEATURES: playground (with a little house, climbing wall, swings for babies and big kids, double slide, tube slide, fireman's pole), covered shelter, indoor restroom with changing table, half basketball court, multiple tennis courts, baseball field, and lots of mature trees. When we visited in October the table by the playground was broken (missing the entire top). Seems like a nice area and fairly clean.

  • en

    Tom Mattingly


    Great family park ! Baseball in the summer along with a great summer concert series!!!

  • en

    Joshua Kempton


    Nice little out of the way park. Couple of baseball diamonds, tennis courts and a play area for children. Nice place to spend a couple of hours in the afternoon.

  • Mason Taylor

    Mason Taylor


    A beautiful park with an awesome pine forest lining. The basketball court doesn't stay lit at night so that is the only complaint. It is in a nice neighborhood and well monitored. Could use more lighting at night for safety.

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