Echo Pharmacy w Miller Place

Stany ZjednoczoneEcho Pharmacy



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56, Echo Avenue, 11764, Miller Place, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-642-8175
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9439452, Longitude: -72.9987427

komentarze 5

  • Tom Wroblewski

    Tom Wroblewski


    Friendly staff and service.

  • en

    Emily Bongiorno


    Happy to say Echo pharmacy made a sincere effort to correct the situation we had (which is stated below) by calling my mom and me. We spoke to her and she listened to what we had to say and we ended up getting the medicine delivered to the house. All is good. Thank you!! My mom has been going here to pick up her medication for many years, recently we have not had any good experiences. The staff is NOT FRIENDLY !! We always feel rushed to get out. Like today they close at 5pm, we got there at 4:55, I understand it is late but we were picking up a script that's it. Not only did they not have the prescription ready but they rushed us out, said had to come back monday. (They didnt even give a courtesy phone call to ket us know it wouldnt be in till Monday) There were 2 other people there picking up prescriptions and this women tells the other employees "this is crazy, I'm locking the door or we are never Leaving. It's too bad. We wanted to support a family owned pharmacy but we have given r hem many opportunities and enough is enough.

  • Cindi Griffiths Abramowski

    Cindi Griffiths Abramowski


    They helped us tremendously even talking to our son's surgen to help get his medication correct. They go out og their way to help you THANKS

  • en

    Nicole Siro


    Best pharmacy in the WORLD and the pharmacist and staff couldn't be more helpful and friendly. I usually only have to wait about 15 minutes at most to get my script filled. I don't have to wait like an hour and come back. And they have great things inside the store as well.

  • Jen Chura

    Jen Chura


    The best! Staff is super friendly and Brian is really knowledgeable. I still come out from Queens to get my RXs filled.

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