eBuyUSA w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneeBuyUSA


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

399, Knickerbocker Avenue, 11237, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-210-3289
strona internetowej: www.ebuyusa.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7001587, Longitude: -73.9202083

komentarze 5

  • josh townsend

    josh townsend


    Don't buy from this site. You can getting the same or better deal from a reputable seller and not be given the bait and switch. The site advertises products that the sales team ultimately says are different from what you have ordered. In my case they said I had ordered a "May Unit". They take your online order and fail to process the purchase. When you enquire about the order the sales people make claims that what you ordered is an old model and that you "should really upgrade to the latest model". It should have been more clear to me what was going on. They advertise a price for a discontinued product without disclosing this and when you call try to get them to process the order they give you a hard sell on why you really don't want the discontinued product but want the current version at a significantly higher price. I’ve learned that this is what is called a “loss leader ad” and is common with car dealers. It is not illegal but there is no reason to buy from them when you can get the same product at the same or perhaps better “real price” from more reputable online retailers. People who do business like this are disgusting. Additionally I had the salesman tell me that he was going to send a 2018 model (unit) and when it arrived it was clearly marked as a 2017 model TV. The invoice clear states that I purchased a 2018 model and included an onsite 5 year parts and labor service plan. There is no mention of the plan details with the TV and disturbingly they are not picking up on their sales or customer support line.

  • ricky g

    ricky g



  • en

    stephen gold


    Scammers!!! Sold me a knock off Weber Grill!

  • Roy Rossini

    Roy Rossini


    Can you give a zero to a zero company? These guys are bait and switch people and you are better served working with reputable people such as BuyDigs or Beach-camera, Fry's, etc.

  • Timothy Lanza

    Timothy Lanza


    Attempted to purchase a 55 inch LG OLED TV on their awful website. The order just sat on their system for days in 'processing' status. I paid for expedited shipping too. This should have been a red flag that this guy wants the TV, and maybe we should **expedite**. No joy I asked them to either send me a shipping confirmation with a tracking number via email or cancel the order and notify me via email. They cancelled the order, but of course did not notify me. I had to check the website to find out. They also want you to rate their your experience when you lace the order which they then dishonestly represent as satisfied customers. Don't bother with this vendor. Red flags galore, which I should have headed.

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