Dynamite Auto Sales Inc w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneDynamite Auto Sales Inc



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3050, East Van Buren Street, 85008, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 602-528-0848
strona internetowej: www.dynamiteautosales.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4518092, Longitude: -112.0154603

komentarze 5

  • Danielle Mitchell

    Danielle Mitchell


    I've bought 2 cars with Joel so far and I wouldn't go anywhere else in the valley for a quality used car. And Brenda at the front desk is AMAZINGLY HELPFUL and sweet. No tricks or hidden fees. They work with you in a friendly manner, I never felt like my concerns were not addressed when it came to repairs on my vehicles. Absolutely love this dealership. And we still have both vehicles, paid off and running perfectly. 😁

  • Reuben Deliz

    Reuben Deliz


    well aparetly its my fault why my car is havinh issues.. all i need from this dealer is for my viechle to be fully serviced..i cant complain Bout the staff cuz cor the first time i am a lil behind on a couple payments buy i do make ths money to fo thAt.. anyway as of now i sit here on the st freezing like crazy.. my car wont stRt ..i do know that i M not gona pay cuz ill havd

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    Samantha Acevedo


    Called to inquire about a vehicle and spoke to Roy (sales person) and g was very rude and condecending on the phone . Making comments about my credit and just being rude In General. I am in the market to buy a car , someone will get my business but it will not be them . If the sales people can't even act and treat you like a human imagine the rest of the company .

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    Dana Goeller


    They helped me get a car with no problems at all. Ask for Roy he hooked me up 1000 who ever needs a car to purchase in cash or payments come see Roy! And all of the staff was awesome!

  • en

    Vern Cook


    These guy's are no BS. They select the cars carefully & explain everything clearly but dont keep you all day, fast process. I'm a satisfied customer & buying a used car is not fun to begin with, Joel took the stress out of buying a used car. He even picked me up from Peoria!! Definitely a 5+ star business.

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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