Dunkin' Donuts w Bayonne

Stany ZjednoczoneDunkin' Donuts



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
171, Lefante Way, 07002, Bayonne, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-437-8080
strona internetowej: www.dunkindonuts.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6687033, Longitude: -74.107061

komentarze 5

  • en

    Natalie Santos


    This has to be the worst Dunkin’ Donuts I’ve ever been to! Every time I come there’s an excuse for them not being fully functional! It’s been things such as only have three types of donuts available to their machines constantly being down! How is it that every time I want a cappuccino blast their machine is down so then I ask for an iced latte and guess what?! You guessed right! The machine was down!!! So not only were they unable to give me what I wanted but when I finally did order something they had the customer service is horrible. I didn’t get a hello I didn’t get a thank you , I even had to ask for straws! Absolutely horrible it’s always some nonsense coming to this place what the purpose of being open 24 hrs if you aren’t going to be full stocked or have machines working!

  • Ranjith C

    Ranjith C


    Things are never got here. Most of the times served cold.

  • en

    Shannon O


    Drive through service is fast and effecient with orders! Open long hours if you have a donut craving at odd hours.




    Thiz is not the best dunkin' donuts for coffee . Orders are habitually wrong. Do you like your coffee light and sweet? Then ask for extra light and extra sweet. Check your coffee before driving away or leaving the store. Nice sitdown area, clean but this D.D's, does not hve the same menu or specials other D.D 's hve . There is always a long line at the drive thru. This is quite possibly due to translation issues. We don't understand them and they don't understand us - once again, check your order before you drive away. Well now, how about the ice cream? I've asked for a black and white milkshake mor than twice. Nobody knew what a black and white milkshake was. No one knew how to use the blender or how to make a shake (ice cream and milk) 🤔. The Dunkin' Donuts at 2 Garfield Ave. (Broadway & City line), gets a 5 ☆ rating.

  • Sahar Merdjemak

    Sahar Merdjemak


    Absolute worst Dunkin Donuts I've ever been to. Their iced coffee tastes watery and disgusting. They never get your order right. I just went today and the lady handed me an overflowing iced coffee. I drove out of the drive thru and the coffee cup exploded and spilled ALL over my car. I went back and told her and she didn't say sorry once. The only response I got from her was "Okay what do you want". I'm not giving this place anymore chances. Do not recommend.

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