Dunkin' i Brandon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDunkin'



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950, West Lumsden Road, 33511, Brandon, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 813-689-3865
internet side: locations.dunkindonuts.com
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Latitude: 27.9238362, Longitude: -82.2992978

kommentar 5

  • Ashley Currie

    Ashley Currie


    I love this location! The service is ALWAYS exceptional. You're always greeted with a smile and a friendly face! They are polite, courteous and professional, all while having fun! Special shot out to Denise the assistant manager! This woman really needs her own store! She inspires and motivates her staff professionally, she's always willing to help, and does so with a bad knee!! Super shout of to all of you! Love you guys! -Ash-

  • Kimberly Ricci

    Kimberly Ricci


    I'd like to know who's managing this store. I arrived at 6:30 this evening to the store on Lumsden Road only to be told that they are not serving any food because they are cleaning the ovens for an inspection tomorrow, and that they are not serving any ice cream either. How do you tell people at only 6:30 in the evening that you're not serving any food? That's not excusable. Maybe clean the oven after 11 at night when it won't be disrupting the service to your customers.

  • Samantha Maccaughey

    Samantha Maccaughey


    Every time I order from here, my coffee has an insane amount of ice. If you take out the ice, the cup is less than half full. You can see the huge chunk in my cup today. They do okay making coffee, not wrong, just always slightly different.

  • VaVa VW

    VaVa VW


    I usually wouldn’t complain but the lady at the drive through window was so dry and rude. They never have the proper staff will charge u for latte or cold brew but give you a ice coffee. If you order food make sure to check your bag otherwise you’ll have some burnt food or the wrong order.

  • Azarette Diaz

    Azarette Diaz


    This location always has great service. Krispy Kreme always drops the ball Dunkin always slam dunks I had a birthday voucher at KK but they're closed on a Saturday which is crazy. Wanted to get donuts for my son and his friend for breakfast because they were doing a sleepover. Called Dunkin and the girl took my order over the phone so my husband could pick up since KK was closed. It was 8:30a and she was able to accommodate the order and put together immediately so my husband could pick up a few minutes later. She gave me all the flavor options and helped me deliberate options. She was also able to grab some oj singles for us. This isn't the first time this location has taken care of us in a pinch. We will definitely keep going and it's extremely convenient because it's consistent service right across from our apartment complex Wish Dunkin did birthday dozens. Otherwise we'd veto KK all together.

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