Dunkin' i Gambrills

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDunkin'



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1051, Maryland 3, 21054, Gambrills, Anne Arundel County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 410-721-4104
internet side: locations.dunkindonuts.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.0277822, Longitude: -76.6866638

kommentar 5

  • Purple Red

    Purple Red


    The guy taking my order seemed confused about what I wanted. Kept asking “iced or cold” even though I said iced multiple times, I was reading off of what was on the board. There was way more ice than drink. I ordered a medium sized drink but swear I finished it in 10 sips. I looked at it wondering when it got so low so fast.

  • Howaida Gill

    Howaida Gill


    Worst experience ever. The workers hardly speak or understand English. I placed the order after so many times explaining to add two orders of bagel bites with a dozen donuts. I paid $31.70 and I checked the receipt and found out she charged me for the wrong items. After she did the return I asked for the receipt back for work. She couldn’t find the receipt so I asked her to reprint another. It took about 40 minutes to try to find the transaction but she couldn’t find it. Another employee Doug the receipt out of the trash and gave it to me. I was so disgusted with the situation and asked her to print a new one but she refused. I asked her to replace my coffee so it got too cold waiting for her to find the receipt on the POS but she refused. Such a bad customer service. I guess they don’t care because they know that customers will always come because of their. I am very disappointed

  • David Malkiewicz

    David Malkiewicz


    This Dunkin’ has been around for many years and have some longtime staff still working there. They’re very efficient! Patrons can support these local businesses by filling out the surveys on their receipts.

  • Chris Chewning

    Chris Chewning


    The drive thru service alway seemed to be rude. This location doesn’t serve munchkin donut holes. So that was a major disappointment for the kids when we pulled up.

  • Debbie Longfellow

    Debbie Longfellow


    I used the app to place an order for 4 different donuts. When I got home to check my bag, I had 4 of the exact same donut. The donuts were not even very good. They were the kind with filling in them, and maybe 1/8 of the doughnut was filled. Not going back here again.

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