DuMond & Doran, PLLC i Phoenix

Forenede StaterDuMond & Doran, PLLC



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1006, West Adams Street, 85007, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 602-803-4975
internet side: www.dumondanddoran.com
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Latitude: 33.449501, Longitude: -112.086302

kommentar 5

  • Jamie Reese

    Jamie Reese


    Chris Doran is a amazing lawyer! He is on top of his game and response quickly if you have any questions! I would highly recommend him has a lawyer!

  • Ben Rundall

    Ben Rundall


    An outstanding firm with exceptional service and dedication to their clients. I refer them all of my clients in need of criminal defense representation.

  • en

    Brian Tickner


    I recently retained the DuMond Law firm to handle a bond forfeiture case for my company. Samantha and her team were very thorough and achieved the desired results. I highly recommend them and will use them again myself.

  • en

    Elke Winter


    An Excellent Team of Defense Attorneys!! After several initial consultations with different attorneys, I was given the DuMond Law Firm Name. Their retainer was about 1/2 the price of other quotes. I immediately knew I was in good hands by their energetic, knowledgeable and aggressive team work on my case during the initial interview. I could have faced several years of incarceration. However, this team of pros went to work for me right away. My case was dismissed before it ever went to trial. I didn't just have one lawyer, I had a whole team of attorneys on my side! My family & friends & I thank you Chris, Samantha, Jessica and the rest of your wonderful team. Our Justice System needs more like you. Forever grateful, Borg Winter & family

  • David Christensen

    David Christensen


    Although we started roughly, Chris made it right. I am grateful for his assistance and advice. He is a gentleman and a professional.

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