Dude's Tattoos • Bronx i New York

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Forenede StaterDude's Tattoos • Bronx



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215, East Gun Hill Road, 10467, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 347-750-4103
internet side: www.dudestattoos.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8806091, Longitude: -73.8771222

kommentar 5

  • Natalie Ortiz

    Natalie Ortiz


    This is my fifth tattoo with Dude and every single time he kills it. I wouldn’t go to anyone else and I recommend everyone I know to him. Dude offers a personiable, relaxed environment. He’s always attentive and gives great information. He really aims to offer the best quality, service and doesn’t charge you an arm and leg.

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    I'm getting ink right now, and I know I'm getting back a fantastic piece. Come through a down to earth dude.

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    Harpran Khalsa


    Very thorough and clean. Precision is on point. I would definitely recommend getting a tat from dude. You want clean and detailed work he’s the dude to go to.

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    ehe primp


    This guy is beyond talented. His years of experience enabled me to trust him. I got my tattoo done by him and I absolutely love it. I keep getting compliments. Highly recommended.

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    Innah Mai


    I am a heavily tattooed person from NYC, and I can easily say that this has been one of the most professional, amazing artists that I have ever been blessed with to put such amazing work on my skin. Super clean environment, he's very light handed and fast paced with his hands, improvises and very creative, really good at free-hand. He has an amazing collection of inks and good tattoo machines as well. If you're reading this review, just know that you have no idea how happy I am with your work, deadass

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