Dubsea Coffee i Seattle

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Forenede StaterDubsea Coffee



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9910, 8th Avenue Southwest, 98106, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 206-708-6806
internet side: www.dubseacoffee.com
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Latitude: 47.514592, Longitude: -122.3448121

kommentar 5

  • Steve Szymanski

    Steve Szymanski


    I had ordered the coconut milk latte since they were out of soy milk and I was utterly disappointed. The latte was watery, lacked espresso, and had an overwhelming burnt taste. It looked like the espresso and coconut milk were just dumped into the coffee cup without finesse. I'm not sure how this coffee shop is rated 4.6 out of 5 on Google.

  • Deadra V

    Deadra V


    Always can count on friendly staff and delicious coffee! Love the kids play area. Only downside sometimes is the parking.

  • en

    Tina Alley


    What a hidden little gem in West Seattle. I needed a quick pick me up while on break and decided to check this place out. The atmosphere is so bright and clean. Great art and good music. The gal who made my delicious latte was so nice and friendly. She even game me some tips on how to care for orchids. They had several beautiful one on the coffee bar. Great place! I'm gonna tell all my peeps : )

  • Lisa Zander

    Lisa Zander


    A perfect cup of coffee at a super reasonable price. The atmosphere and staff are lovely. I've only been once but can't wait to go back.

  • Christine Chambers

    Christine Chambers


    I just had a plain ol drip coffee, nothing exciting, but it was very good! I like the art on the walls here too. Very neat place. I'm glad I stopped in!

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