Dubin Glass i Irvington

Forenede StaterDubin Glass



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1171, Stuyvesant Avenue, 07111, Irvington, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-373-2555
internet side: www.dubinglass.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7137543, Longitude: -74.255011

kommentar 5

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    Erin Rodriguez


    this company scratched my built in navigation/media player while installing my new windshield and denies it. they're unprofessional and dishonest. they pass the buck along to the body shop where they claim to have installed the glass, who then passes the buck back to dubin glass. also threatened to sue my boyfriend for "extortion" if we didn't take down our reviews. they are scam artists. these people are shady and also the woman who answers the phones is rude beyond belief. save yourself the headache and go find somewhere else.

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    Eric Schleifer


    Got my cracked windshield fixed here. The staff was really friendly and the turnaround was fast! They even came to my home to fix the car. While out at my house I asked them about two broken storm windows. They measured and within days they came out to replace. I couldn't be happier.

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    James Fleet


    Mission NOT accomplished. They never showed up! We had an appointment for a full day door replacement, shut down our business for the entire day inconveniencing our employees and numerous customers and at the last minute they told us that they were not coming! Stay away from Dubin Glass. Extremely unreliable!

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    igor nikolovski


    I have been doing business with Dubin for several years now, best service and best prices in North Jersey. Always our first choice

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    Teresa Robinson


    This company is very efficient, courteous and works fast. they made everything hassle-free. If ever i have another problem, i will call them again.

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