Duane Reade en New York

Estados UnidosDuane Reade



🕗 horarios

2760, 62 Broadway, 10025, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 212-678-7893
sitio web: www.walgreens.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8014637, Longitude: -73.9675301

comentarios 5

  • en

    Ny Cede


    They do advertise Western Union services but after a long wait, the manager informed me that they cannot honor Western Union? I had to ask several times the cashier (who BTW tried constantly to avoid me) to get the manager to the front desk. Client centricity? Zero!

  • Wende Waggoner

    Wende Waggoner


    Terrible terrible service!!!! Cashier watched me walk up & walked off leaving me to wait in line for a good deal of time behind a lady with a large load!!! Customer coercive could not get worse!!!!

  • kat kovaleff

    kat kovaleff


    Ugh. Sales clerk was so rude. Asked her a question and she literally answered by mumbling under her breath and smirked at me when I made a mistake at the register. Hopefully the rest of their staff isn't so unpleasant.

  • Nate Ford

    Nate Ford


    This is the rattiest most dilapidated Duane Reade I've ever been to. And when I say "rattiest" I mean that literally (well, and figuratively too). There are dead roaches scattered all over the place in the basement (where the pharmacy is). And once when I remarked on the cat pee-like stench in the basement, a worker said he believed it was due to a mouse or rat problem between the floors. I understand that even the cleanest place can get a pest problem. But this is not the cleanest place. Based on the overall appearance of the store, I'm guessing that the pest problem is due more to neglect than it is to bad luck. That said, the large majority of the employees are friendly and helpful. The neglect here appears to be at an upper management or corporate level.

  • Jill P

    Jill P


    I find the staff to be extremely friendly and take their jobs seriously, especially one gentleman and another female employee. They are especially friendly to my son and take a seemingly menial job and make it important.

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