Drybar w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDrybar



🕗 godziny otwarcia

230, Vesey Street, 10281, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-328-0230
strona internetowej: www.thedrybar.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7140798, Longitude: -74.0156138

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jazella Demoore


    This place is a joke! Stay away! They do not know how to do hair. The girl that did my hair did more damage than anything. She put so much product and hair spray and burned my hair for a whole hour. It didn't even last 2 hours! Do not go it's a waste of money and these armatures that will burn your hair! Not worth the $50!!

  • Elena M

    Elena M


    Never had a good blowout. My hair has always come out flat and they tried to fix it with a curling iron. The point of a blowout is to do everything WITHOUT an iron to your hair and solely a blow dryer. I’ve come multiple times and given different stylists a try but none seem to get it right.

  • Carolena C

    Carolena C


    I had my very first experience at a dry bar today! My stylist was Tiana, she was very sweet and friendly. I ended up getting the cosmo tai, and it came out great. I will definitely be back!!

  • en

    Bindu Nair


    Don't bother with this place.. Not the best stylists here (how hard is it when they only offer limited styles?) And never anyone available if you book online.. More frustrating to deal with than worth it

  • MauiGodOfMagic



    The rudest check in person on Saturday afternoons - acts like she's on an power trip because Saturday afternoons are popular. Not helpful, condescending and just the worst kind of customer service. Walked out and went somewhere else. Many other blow out bars in the city willing to actually value you as a customer!

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