Dry Clean Super Center w Euless

Stany ZjednoczoneDry Clean Super Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1301, North Main Street, 76039, Euless, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-684-8061
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.854771, Longitude: -97.0828992

komentarze 5

  • en

    John V


    Good dry clean service. Ready when promised

  • en



    Yea this place seriously is a joke, and they better fix things up or they’ll be out of business soon. Everytime I bring something here, my clothes come back worse than before. Kept giving them more chances, but most recently had a suit tear inside, and another suit lose a button. That’s ridiculous, and it was the absolute last straw for me.

  • Robert Brown

    Robert Brown


    This place freaking sucks the two ladies working on 3/16/17, do not care about the customers. And are rude . I was there at 6:55, sadly my card was decline for some unknown reason, and they wouldn't wait 2 minutes for my parents to come get there stuff. They were on hardwood. And Main and they Said "It's 7:02, we close at 7:00. I understand that but don't customers come first ?




    This place does not take care of your clothes. If anything they make sure you get your shirts without any bottoms and with more stains. Comforters... That is a different story if you really like your comforter do yourself a favor and drive the extra mile so that they don't ruin it. THIS PLACE IS A JOKE!

  • en

    Demarcus rogers


    ***NEVER USE THIS PLACE***Dropped off 2 jackets on Friday to be cleaned. Was told they would be ready between 3-5 on Saturday. Showed up Saturday and they were not cleaned. 2 ladies at front desk told me it looked like water damage and was gonna call me after 5 on Saturday to let me know they couldn't clean it. After asking why didn't they call me before and tell me I would have told them to clean she told me I should have told the lady it was water damage. It was not water damage I had moved and the jackets was placed on the ground and was wrinkled. She told me she could dry clean and I pick up on Monday. Both ladies was rude. NEVER USE THIS COMPANY. IF I COULD GIVE NO STAR I WOULD

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