brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

527, Franklin Avenue, 11010, Franklin Square, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-358-5570
strona internetowej: www.franklinsquarecosmeticdentist.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6937023, Longitude: -73.6831401

komentarze 3

  • en

    Charles Modugno


    For the last ten years, Dr. Lana Kaye has been my Dentist. I was going to another Dentist in Franklin Square, however, I was very disappointed with the results. When I switched to Dr Kaye, my teeth were in poor shape even though I had quarterly cleanings and checkups. Dr. Kaye identified several issues that required immediate attention, implemented a treatment plan and the results were excellent. In addition, one challenge I had over the years was the bite of my front teeth. One Dentist recommended that I have my jaw broken to correct the problem. Needless to say, I thought that was extreme. Dr. Kaye convinced me that she would be able to correct the problem, adjust my bite and replace discolored bonding on my upper front teeth with new ceramic crowns. Wow, the outcome has been fantastic. Today, my oral health is excellent and my smile is fabulous. I have recommended Dr. Kaye to many friends and family. Charles M.

  • en

    tina brown


    Dr. Lana Kaye is such an amazing dentist, I had a great experience at her office. I felt very relaxed and the office is immaculate. Dr. Lana explained my treatment and I knew I came to the right place cause the treatment was painless and the equipment they used was so quick and painless. I always wanted my teeth whiter and could not get them as white as I wanted at any other dentist or by home products I tried. Dr. Lana whitened my teeth and the result was great! My teeth have never been soooo white! I usually hate going to the dentist, but I was so happy with this office, I had to let everyone know about it. When I got to work the next morning, I got so many compliments on my smile. I would recommend Dr. Kaye highly! T. Brown

  • en

    Edward Mussayev


    I needed an emergency visit about a month ago. My friend that lives in the ares, referred me to dr. Kaye. I called dr.Kaye's office and asked for an emergency appointment. Her receptionist told me that dr usually leaves by 7 pm. I knew that by the time I will get to her clinic from Manhattan it will be 8 or 815. I asked to talk to the doctor and explained her my situation. Dr. Kaye was kind enough to wait for me till 8 pm and was working over my case for the next 1.5 hrs. I was very impressed by her professionalism and the way she can make her pts feel in the chair. I'm very peased with her outstanding job and highly recommend this doctor to anyone. Thank You Dr. Kaye

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