DriveUp Storage w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDriveUp Storage



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420, West 42nd Street, 10036, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 646-449-8959
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7586226, Longitude: -73.9938117

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bri LaBonte


    I hired DriveUp Storage for a storage solution for some inherited furniture for a few months as I transitioned from a Brooklyn apartment to a New Jersey home. Having them drive to our location with the pod on the truck was the best solution - all we had to do was load the truck ourselves and then wave goodbye. It was such a relief and better option for us to not have to worry about renting and driving a moving van through Manhattan and the Lincoln Tunnel and then unloading at a storage facility. After we arrived in NJ, we were able to call and arrange a very quick delivery date and time, and again, the truck brought our furniture right to our house and we unloaded it ourselves. Both times of interaction, the drivers communicated that they were on the way and were polite and pleasant. I would use this company again and would recommend to others. The prices are very fair and better than NYC traditional storage facilities.

  • Nhi Danh

    Nhi Danh


    This is an amazing service for storage needs! Setting up storage is easy, and they will deliver the storage unit directly to your doorstep so that you (or your movers) can pack in your stuff. There are similar services such as Box Butler or Make Space, but they didn’t meet my needs because I needed to stash several pieces of furniture along with all my boxes and large bags. I had drama with my previous slumlord and needed the move during late night hours - I called customer service to see if there was any way they could help me out and Andy was amazing. I had several other requests and they truly did everything feasible to help me out. Jon delivered the unit to me and when I ultimately ran into some “challenges,” stayed calm, professional and super helpful. When I ran through the numbers, there’s no question on how great the pricing is! I’m paying approx. 1/3 of what I was paying at Manhattan Mini Storage in Chelsea. A THIRD! The entire procedure is super easy and reasonably priced. Definitely recommend. Customer Service and support has been excellent throughout.

  • Lumiere l'Artiste

    Lumiere l'Artiste


    I loved that they brought the unit to me and will be returning it when I relocate. The moving out of my stuff went smoothly. I have been with them for over a year and they continue to be a super staff, professional, very cordial and flexible. Their very reasonable pricing is another plus for this company. A totally positive experience.

  • en

    Liz Hotch


    I was downsizing to a smaller apartment and needed to find a storage facility. DriveUp Storage was the best of both worlds! Not only did they come pick up my storage items but they moved me to my new place. From the first phone call to the final piece of furniture delivered the overall experience was above and beyond expectations. I have piece of mind knowing my things are safe and sound until I move into a larger place! I highly recommend DriveUp Storage. Liz

  • Erich Beckmann

    Erich Beckmann


    These guys are pros! My experience with DriveUp was quick and painless. I'm acutely aware that storage is a service industry and DriveUp has a clear understanding of this. The pricing is fair and equitable especially considering how well they took care of my furniture. My appointments with them were always convenient and ON TIME. Very refreshing in an industry that is typically run so close to the bottom line. Even though my need was very short term, while we moved offices, I felt like I was getting all of their time and attention whenever I called or met with them. The convenience of not having to schlep all this stuff out to a storage facility and back saved me so much hassle. I don't think DriveUp could have made my moving and storage any easier unless the furniture had moved itself. I will definitely use this company again and recommend it for anyone living in the city looking for storage.

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