Drill Dental | Boca Raton Dentist w Boca Raton

Stany ZjednoczoneDrill Dental | Boca Raton Dentist



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2499, Glades Road, 33431, Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 561-576-0010
strona internetowej: www.drilldentalbar.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 26.3701487, Longitude: -80.137123

komentarze 5

  • Ihsan Idrees

    Ihsan Idrees


    Beautiful office. Great staff including Dr. Gruenberg, Mrs. Beverly the office manager and Ligia the dental assistant. Very professional, modern office space. A very Boca experience!!! They also got me a very competitive price. Wanted to add I had real bad pain and they got me in the same day literally saw the doctor within the same hour.

  • Anya Gayvoronskaya

    Anya Gayvoronskaya


    Absolutely loved my experience at the Drill Dental Bar! It was my first time there and I had a regular preventive procedure done, which included oral exam, cleaning and x-rays. The personnel was incredibly professional and friendly, starting with the appointment scheduling all the way through the procedure. My hygienist’s name was Diana, she was very sweet and attentive. She performed the procedure with extra care. I am excited for this place to become my permanent dental clinic! Absolutely would recommend if you’re looking for a new dental place.

  • DJ Jhonnie C

    DJ Jhonnie C


    From the moment you walk in you know you’re in a special place. Dr. Alex is a phenomenal doctor and person with state of the art equipment. He made me feel comfortable from the moment I met him. If you want need good honest dental work done then this is the place. I highly recommend Dr. Alex and his staff.

  • Charley Tetrault

    Charley Tetrault


    I visited Drill Dental Bar because I was having major tooth pain. The team were incredibly accommodating making time for me to come in that same day, got me a referral to an oral surgeon for the following day, and were an absolute pleasure to speak with during the whole process. In particular, their receptionist Beverly is an absolute gem; she was so friendly, helpful, and accommodating. Having just moved to FL from NY and being someone who gets a bit anxious about dentist visits, I was concerned about finding an place I would feel comfortable going to but I know I’ve found a great team here and will be referring my friends and family!

  • Estefania Trindade

    Estefania Trindade


    My experience has been fantastic. Not only is the doctor great but the staff is amazing, they are very caring and give each patient undivided attention. I love that the doctor take his time to explain step by step the procedures. Deana is amazing and i love that they are not just a regular office as soon as you walk in they offer you coffee and stuff, you just feel like you are visiting a friend. Will continue coming to this wonderful office .

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