dressbarn en Mohegan Lake

Estados Unidosdressbarn



🕗 horarios

3119, East Main Street, 10547, Mohegan Lake, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-528-1169
sitio web: locations.dressbarn.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.310187, Longitude: -73.8680628

comentarios 5

  • KD




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    Hairiya Maiyaki


    The staff is nice.

  • en

    Sara Velin


    My only recommendation is that they need to put cameras in in their store, I was there today checking the clothes they had and when I left my purse alone for one second my money was robbed, I used to feel really comfortable there but after this incident i don't anymore. Over all it is a good store but what good does it make if they don't have any cameras, if they Happened to be robed by costumers or their own employees how would they even know who did it. My Only concern is that they NEED TO INSTALL CAMERAS.!

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    Tammy Hyde


    Always find great stuff for mom

  • Jen G

    Jen G


    Loved how neat & organized, very well maintained. The young lady that helped me was friendly & helpful. She explained to me the dbperks, which I signed up for. My dress was on sale, also which made it even better. They have a variety of styles whether carefree or elegant, definitely worth going back again!

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