Dream Cafe w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneDream Cafe



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2811, McKinney Avenue, 75204, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-954-0486
strona internetowej: www.dreamcafedallas.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7994872, Longitude: -96.8011911

komentarze 5

  • Dedra Brembry

    Dedra Brembry


    I took my mom here for Mother's Day brunch and we were not disappointed. The French toast was light, the eggs scrambled well and the Monte Cristo was great according to my mother. Although it was a busy day, we were seated promptly and service was quick and attentive. We had a great overall experience!

  • Ewa Khalife

    Ewa Khalife


    I recently moved to Uptown and live around the corner from the Dream Cafe. I decided to give breakfast a try. Let me start of by saying, I absolutely love the vibe and the esthetic of the cafe. It’s beautiful and so chill. I had a Popover, Cloud pancakes with ricotta and a side of hash browns. Everything was absolutely delicious and the service was warm and inviting. I will definitely be back and look forward to trying other dishes!

  • Gregory Dylan Shortes

    Gregory Dylan Shortes


    This is my wife’s favorite brunch spot. The atmosphere is bright and vibrant and has indoor and outdoor seating. My wife’s chicken and waffles were way better than by biscuit sandwich. I was eyeing her plate the whole time to see if she was going to finish it all. She did. Also the cinnamon roll was good! Sweet and buttery! Way better than any pancakes! They offer some nice drinks like the Bloody Mary. We will be visiting again.

  • MeSha McClanahan

    MeSha McClanahan


    I do not know how I have never been here before but I know for sure I will return. Let's just start with Gregory (tall slender man with blue hair), I am not sure what you are getting paid, but someone give him a raise immediately. Don't get me wrong, our server Cynthia (I think is her name), was also great and attentive, all the positive adjectives, but Gregory was working the room. Even the host that sat us had great service. Amazing across the board! I came with a group of 3 for Saturday brunch (without a reservation) and we were seated immediately. I love the vibe here! All the employees were different sizes, shapes, colors, it's very diverse and it made me feel included as a patron. We started off with a mimosa carafe ($20) with strawberry and peach flavoring (extra $2). We did get extra fruit puree since my mom wanted a sweeter drink, but she loved the brunch punch ($12). I am normally great on taking pictures of my food, but the crab cake Benedict ($15) smelled so good, I had to take a bite. Literally everything was delicious. I even ate my aunt's shrimp and grits ($16). I left here full but not feeling bloated and stuffed. We got 4 entrees, a mimosa carafe and a cocktail and spent right at $100 before tip. My only criticism has nothing to do with the food or service but the floor layout. We sat against the wall in the half booth, half chair table and I kept getting hit in the back of my head. I might be a little thick, but my chair was not too far from the table. The booths and tables are so close together, if you are on the thicker side, either sit on the booth side or just get a booth. I had to tell my server since it was 4 times I was bumped into. This is not to get anyone a finger wagging, this is just for my fellow people with hips and dips to be aware of. I think I like here better than yolk, so I might have found my new brunch spot. 10 star experience.

  • Matthew Holly

    Matthew Holly


    My wife and I decided to stop here on Sunday for brunch and we absolutely loved it. Despite being very busy, we were able to be seated quickly. The food is excellent and the service is great even during peak times. I would order The Elvis if you are looking for something to satisfy a big appetite. Everything is reasonably priced and it’s all around a great place for brunch!

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