Drake Fine Sporting Arms w El Paso

Stany ZjednoczoneDrake Fine Sporting Arms



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4000, North Mesa Street, 79902, El Paso, El Paso County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 915-307-6728
strona internetowej: dfsa.us
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 31.788109, Longitude: -106.5065635

komentarze 5

  • en

    John Holland


    Exceptional Service. Scott is an excellent Gunsmith, Craftsman and Artist. He did a great job putting a plum brown patina on my revolver.

  • en

    Joshua Whitman


    I felt like I was walking into my best friends house. To talk about what we love best, guns. Being from out of town that ment a lot. I was also very pleased with the pricing and work they did. The only problem I have is that I won't always be able to take my guns here...might mail them though haha. I doubt I'll ever find a place like this again.

  • Caleb Janosz

    Caleb Janosz


    This is by far my favorite gun shop. The staff is knowledgeable, the prices are fare, and I can trust that the work will be done well. I also know that if he does not have something specific that I need, he will either make it or find it for me. There is no one else in the El Paso area that I would recommend for gunsmithing.

  • en

    John Barnes


    Very good service and prices. Needed my gun cleaned up and ready for hunting season and they did a great job. I got a phone call when the service was completed and they delivered on the day they promised.

  • en

    Joshua Kent


    Drake's is the best gun shop I've been to in a long time. It's a no pressure buying experience and they are really knowledgeable. I had some work done on my 45/70 lever action and it is prestine. I love the work that was done to it. Scott does military discount and they aren't jacked up prices like most. It's the only shop I'll be taking any of my guns to.

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