Dr. Umar Saeed i Arlington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDr. Umar Saeed


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6407, South Cooper Street, 76001, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-472-7601
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Latitude: 32.641045, Longitude: -97.1335851

kommentar 5

  • Javid Osanlu

    Javid Osanlu


    Dr. Saeed has taking great care of my Uncle and I for a few years now. He is a true blessing for the medical community in Texas and I believe his knowledge and personality has helped me like myself again and not turn away from the mirror when I pass in front of one. He has such a positive energy about him that it really makes me feel better just knowing he is taking care of my health.

  • Daniel Galan

    Daniel Galan


    great doctor. knows his stuff very well. friendly guy and really looks out for you. His office is equipped with many wonderful staff and buildings are connected so walking around is fast and convenient. 10/10

  • en

    iyad alnachef


    Dr. Saeed is a very professional, competent, and compassionate doctor. I am truly blessed to have found someone like him close by.

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    mohamed hersi


    Dr. Saeed is very good doctor in his work.

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    Danita Finklea


    Five stars are not enough stars to rate Dr. Saaed! Hands down, he is the best doctor in the metroplex! I have never had a more professional, informative, and thorough doctor as Dr. Saaed! Above all, he is so nice and personable but also shows genuine concern for your condition or illness. He is my ONLY option for primary care! The best doctor ever with a equally caring staff! I really highly recommend Dr. Umar Saaed to anyone needing real, genuine high quality health care!

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