Dr. Suzi Schulman i Clifton

Forenede StaterDr. Suzi Schulman



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1117 route 46 east suite 204, Clifton, NJ 07013, США
kontakter telefon: +1 973-742-3400
internet side: www.cliftonchiros.com
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Latitude: 40.86994, Longitude: -74.18162

kommentar 5

  • en



    Dr. Suzi is Great at what she does. At first I was so nervous but after my first appointment I felt completely safe in her care. I was suffering from very painful back problems and after my adjustments I feel like a new person. She’s caring and not only helped improve the quality of my posture but she assisted me with pain in my wrist as well which is a plus for me . I highly recommend her, and her wonderful staff :)

  • en



    Dr. Suzi is great and very informative. Gives you many ways on how to improve your day to day health that you may be over looking. You get more than just just your back cracked. Great staff also.

  • Renee Courtney

    Renee Courtney


    After sipping a disc and having surgery Dr. Suzi and her staff helped me regain. Incredible amounts of flexibility and improved my walking to 100%. They embrace you like family,make you feel comfortable and tecach you how to take care of body mind and soul. I don't know what I would do with out them. My daughter has also started working with them to help her shoulder after a season of volleyball. keep up the great work!

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    Annette Malave


    Dr.Suzi is nothing but amazing!!! She goes above and beyond for you patients. She adjusts my mother, my son who's is 17 months old, and myself. She is a great part of our week, my little guy looks forward to seeing her. She makes something that can be a little scary for kids so enjoyable for him. We absolutely love her!!!

  • en

    Maria Fernanda Santos


    Dr. Suzi and all her staff are great! They all go above and beyond to accommodate each patient's needs and make sure you're receiving all the best care. I highly recommend anyone to visit this practice and be transformed into a new person. You'll never want to go another day without taking care of your spine.

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