Dr. Sam Khoury, DMD i Daly City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDr. Sam Khoury, DMD



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1655, Southgate Avenue, 94015, Daly City, San Mateo County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 650-991-0999
internet side: www.pcdios.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 37.6756513, Longitude: -122.4708281

kommentar 5

  • Elizabeth Dudum

    Elizabeth Dudum


    Once again Dr. Khoury was amazing. My daughter was my last of.4 to get her wisdom teeth removed by Dr. Khoury. He and his staff were both professional and friendly. My daughter was very anxious before the surgery, but he was very calming and gentle. Her surgery went well and she had a great experience. Thank you Dr. Khoury

  • imad youssfi

    imad youssfi


    Today, my son had the worst experience in this dental office. They did not take under consideration he was a 10 years old. The doctor was rude to him and my wife. We will never recommend him to anyone. Very disappointed.

  • Gabriel khoury

    Gabriel khoury


    Got my wisdom teeth done. Very easy procedure, staff was great!

  • Nicole Wolf

    Nicole Wolf


    I had a great experience here. I suffer from ptsd and although I didn’t like having to have an implant he made it seamless and quick. I was aware of the total cost up front. No surprises and he was easy to deal with and his staff was fantastic. I may not love having dental work done but I would highly recommend this office if you have the need for any type of oral surgery. Thank you Dr Khoury for fixing my tooth you rock!

  • Dakota Daffron

    Dakota Daffron


    It's been 9 months and my mouth is still getting residual infections from my surgery. Dr Khoury was very unprofessional with me. He looked at my x-rays for all of 10 seconds before deciding what to do. I'm very unhappy with my experience.

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