Dr. Salvatore Germino, DC w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDr. Salvatore Germino, DC



🕗 godziny otwarcia

464, Manor Road, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-442-6690
strona internetowej: www.drgermino.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6162165, Longitude: -74.1234012

komentarze 5

  • en

    priscilla suarez


    I first went to Dr.Germino when I got into my car accident, I was in so much pain with my neck I was unable to move it but Dr. Germino help me so much made me feel so Comfortable and he explained everything he was doing and always answered my question never rushed out the room once the treatment was done always made sure I was good before leaving his office. I also recommend him to my husband for back pain and since then my husband does not go anywhere else for his back . Then I had a baby a few months ago and I started having back pain from the delivery and once again I went back to Dr.Germino for help and he worked wonders he really is a great chiropractor bedside manners are great, the office staff are wonderful always polite and no attitude which that’s a big plus for me because I have called other doctors offices And got nothing but attitude from the staff. The staff in Dr. Germinos office always answer any questions that I may have if they can if not they will find out and call back as fast as they can they don’t make me wait long I wouldn’t go to any other chiropractor, I’m very happy with Dr Germino

  • John Travieso

    John Travieso


    As a therapist for over 18 years now in need of therapy myself I have to say, Dr Germino is amazing. He was so knowledgeable and took the time to really listen to my needs. He runs a great office as well. Appointments are always smooth. His kind staff are always pleasant to speak to. The highly experienced massage therapist in board perfectly compliments his treatment session. Thank you Dr Germino for helping me during this difficult time. I appreciate it!

  • Anthony Schiavo

    Anthony Schiavo


    I went in experiencing pain/discomfort like I hadn't in years, not since my original injury while in the military. I'd just about gotten ready to resort to injections to numb my back when I found out about Dr. Germino and his decompression technique. It has relieved so much of the pain and after just 5 sessions I feel better than i have in months and am able to do normal activities again and I'm not experiencing aching, nagging pain throughout my day. Thank you Dr. Germino!

  • Phil Richford

    Phil Richford


    Excellent experience with Dr.Germino and his staff! I am having severe, debilitating pain due to herniated disc and sciatica I was able to get an emergency appointment on the day I called! The staff is wonderful and supportive. Dr.Germino listened to my history, examined me and developed a plan of treatment to alleviate my pain and get me back to normal. He answered all my questions and was very supportive. Excellent experience. Just wanted to update on my care provided by Dr.Germino as of March 2018: Fantastic service and I am doing great thanks to the care provided by Dr. Sal! Pain was relieved in fewer treatments than originally prescribed and I have no issues. Staff is amazing. I always recommend him if someone is experiencing issues with their back or sciatica. Lifesaver!! Thanks Dr. Sal!

  • en

    Marissa Sommo


    Great chiropractor!! Definitely has helped me with my neck and lower back pain. Staff is friendly and office runs smoothly. Very accommodating with appointments. Would highly recommend. He has great bedside manner

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