Dr. Richard A. Zym, DMD i Fairfield

Forenede StaterDr. Richard A. Zym, DMD



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271 US 46 G 109, Fairfield, NJ 07004, США
kontakter telefon: +1 973-808-4373
internet side: richardazymdmdpa.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8780382, Longitude: -74.3012201

kommentar 5

  • Donna Christensen

    Donna Christensen


    Excellent practice, have known Dr. Zym for a long time! Caring and professional practice, highly recommend.

  • en

    Tracy Charles


    Clean, modern office in a convenient location. Dental techs are so nice, as is the front desk. Dr. Zym is friendly and thorough. So happy I finally found a great place!

  • Charlie Scullion

    Charlie Scullion


    My Wife and I are treated like family...every single person working in the office is more friendly then the next! Excellent facility if your a bit squeamish about dental work! Dr. Zym, both Karen's, Alexa, Michelle and the rest of the staff are pro's, personable and put us at ease knowing we were in good hands! Best experience you'll ever have at a dentist's office! BRAVO to the entire staff and Happy Holidays!!

  • en

    Patricia Lopinski


    Excellent Dentist. Extremely accomodating. Office staff pleasant and helpful. Makes best effort to see clients as close to appointment time as possible.

  • Daniel Carr

    Daniel Carr


    Quality dental work and great staff! Thank you Dr. Zym for the excellent care you have given my entire family! I give your office and everyone in it 5 stars.

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