Dr. Nicholas Berardo, DMD i Ridgefield

Forenede StaterDr. Nicholas Berardo, DMD


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605, Broad Avenue, 07657, Ridgefield, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-941-9494
internet side: www.njoralsurgery.com
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Latitude: 40.8345121, Longitude: -74.0096403

kommentar 5




  • en

    Jonathan Gajda


    2 successful surgeries here. Thanks Dr. Barardo!

  • en

    Douglas Minardo


  • Christina Oliva

    Christina Oliva


    Do not go to this practice!! In addition to many other terrible things, the office staff and doctors lied to me about medical codes for dental and medical insurance coverage pre-authorizations. They lied so it looks like I didn't have coverage when I knew I did so I would pay out-of-pocket!!! I knew I had coverage for the things they were going to bill for so I caught them in the lies. His office is so unprofessional and they pass you from doctor to doctor so that you continue to come to the office in hopes of getting something accomplished and you do not

  • en

    Angie Caballero


    the lady that answers the phone is rude and not helpful at all. this is sad because this is the reason i chose NOT to go to you.

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