Dr. Michael P. Gelbart, DDS w Brewster

Stany ZjednoczoneDr. Michael P. Gelbart, DDS



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1620, New York 22, 10509, Brewster, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-279-4999
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.431078, Longitude: -73.576033

komentarze 5

  • en

    Rachel Bracero


    Dr.Gelbart, Dr.Gurfinkel, Terry, Jessica and the rest of the staff here are fantastic! They are all so friendly, so attentive and most of all caring. I need extensive work done - lot of implants, and travel over an hour and half each visit because of the entire team here. Never have I met such a group of professionals that truly cared so much about their patient and put me at ease. The work they've done so far was superb! I can finally smile in confidence because of the 5 star work they do. My sister has an appt. with Dr.Gelbart in a few weeks because of how much I bragged about the work they've done and the staff and she's traveling over 2 hours! You need not look any further - make the appointment you won't regret it! A+++++

  • Lisa Gallaway

    Lisa Gallaway


    I was terrified to learn the day of my Implant surgery that I was not having any anesthesia. ..just numbing. I almost left while I was waiting for Dr Gelbar to come back in the room to "numb" me...mostly bc I was afraid of making a fool of my 50 year old self by acting like a 2 year old. I had 2 implants done in about 20 minutes! He and the assistant were AMAZING! I still acted like a baby but for no good reason bc there was no pain whatsoever. Yet they were so patient, fun -loving and obviously top notch at what they do. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I NEED several more implants and I'm DEFINATELY going back, referring all of my family and friends, and actually look forward to more surgery!

  • Karlee Jaffal

    Karlee Jaffal


    Love Dr. K. Quick and efficient. Always dreaded the dentist before, now i don't mind going. No pain.

  • en

    Cris Ruebe


    Excellent experience. Friendly,. professional and knowledgeable staff. Very accommodating A++ service

  • en

    Wiseman Maurer


    It is a great place to come and get your teeth looking very nice and I would recommend family and friend's there.

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