Dr Lube en New York

Estados UnidosDr Lube


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4180, Hylan Boulevard, 10308, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-967-7399
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5377432, Longitude: -74.1496051

comentarios 5

  • en

    TIM M


    Great Diagnostics, always fair on prices, honest and easy to deal with. I feel I am being taken care of by long time friends whenever I go in. Without hesitation 5 STARS!!

  • Danny Hults

    Danny Hults


    Great shop. Fixed my trucks problems. Very honest.

  • Phil Bavaro

    Phil Bavaro


    The best on Staten Island Richie is one of the most honest people I have met great service and a great old school mechanic who knows cars and trucks will never lie to you and sell you something that you don't need......

  • mark king

    mark king


    I brought my car in have's the rear brakes new rotors brake pads in the back I knew from another mechanic that the problem was that my rotors needed to be replaced after the initial estimate was $275 the entire bill. upon my return he wasn't able to do it at $275 so I told him just do the rear . I was informed when the job was finished that the noise was totally gone when I got over 55 miles an hour on the Staten Island Expressway I stopped abruptly and now my brakes are squeaking in the front profusely I cannot prove that he did something but I would not put it past him .mechanics and lawyers I do not trust so I would not bring my service back to dr. Lube, I can only give one star because I am unable to give you 0 Stars

  • Thomas Stolz

    Thomas Stolz


    Worst service, and ripoffs try to charge me $350 for brakes, it cost me exactly $35 to do the brakes by my self took me 20 mins. Now i understand businesses need to make money but they charge $315 in labor i dont think so stay away from them.

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