Dr. Keith Kalmanek, DDS i Bolingbrook

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDr. Keith Kalmanek, DDS



🕗 åbningstider

913, Lily Cache Lane, 60440, Bolingbrook, Will County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 630-226-1000
internet side: www.thebolingbrookdentist.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.6892252, Longitude: -88.1081186

kommentar 5

  • Stephanie Teran

    Stephanie Teran


    Drs Kalmanek provide great dental care and give thorough explanations of what is going on so each patient can understand their current dental health. We have seen them for over 20 years as have several members of our extended family.

  • Adam CTGT

    Adam CTGT


    The dental office was spotless and comfortable. Customer support was excellent. And the doctor who provided the service, Dr. Keith Kalmanek, was excellent. He continued to provide details about his actions and plans. While he was tending to me, I was pain-free. Fantastic experience I don't recall ever visiting a different dentist.

  • Thomas Pape

    Thomas Pape


    Drs. Mary and Keith Kalmanek are two highly qualified dentists and two of the nicest people you could hope to meet. I have been relying on their skills and care for nearly 30 years and have never been disappointed. They go above and beyond to insure you have a safe and comfortable experience.

  • John Graham (Automind)

    John Graham (Automind)


    I have had nothing but good experiences with Dr. Kalmanek. He doesn't rush people in and out, he takes the time to do the job right. He is very knowledgeable and does precision work everytime. He is always happy to explain to me exactly what is going on and exactly what needs to be done to prevent or resolve any issues. I highly recommend Dr. Kalmanek.

  • Adrian Ptak

    Adrian Ptak


    I have been a client of Dr. Kalmanek for the past 5 years and I love it. Great service from Dr. Kalmanek and his associates. I highly recommend using him for anything dental related. 10/10

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