Dr. Josh Berd, DDS The Dentist Group w San Francisco

Stany ZjednoczoneDr. Josh Berd, DDS The Dentist Group



🕗 godziny otwarcia

90, Gough Street, 94102, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 415-706-7687
strona internetowej: www.thedentistgroup.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.7737776, Longitude: -122.4221499

komentarze 5

  • Santos Hernandez

    Santos Hernandez


    Really nice office and nice staff, take most insurance. Awesome online appointment system, was able to set things up very easily. Not clear on what will be covered/not covered when recommending things, however. Think this is most dentists though, that's how they make their money. Just be sure to ask what is cosmetic, unnecessary, etc

  • Hillary McDaniel

    Hillary McDaniel


    Always a great experience -- appointments always start on time and end on time which is much appreciated! The staff is also always cheerful and does a good job explaining what they are doing, areas they are monitoring, etc.

  • Joel Mendel

    Joel Mendel


    First visit. Super friendly staff. Easy to book appointments and fill out paperwork online. My dentist was very nice and gentle. So far just a routine cleaning, but I've been very happy and impressed with them so far.

  • Richard Bernstein

    Richard Bernstein


    Who loves their dentist? I do! Josh and Helen and their staff are incredible and always at the forefront of dental technology and customer service. Watch Netflix while they clean your teeth? Yes please!

  • Whitney Lynn

    Whitney Lynn


    Dr. Berd and his staff are absolutely amazing. I've been going to him for 3 years now and I'm always happy with the care I'm given. I have a fear of the dentist and my first visit to them, they made sure to take care and talk me through all the processes. I followed them even when they moved offices because I was so happy with the care I receive every time I go. I always recommend them to anyone looking for a dentist!

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