Dr. Igor Ilyabayev, DDS en Valley Stream

Estados UnidosDr. Igor Ilyabayev, DDS



🕗 horarios

139, North Central Avenue, 11580, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-887-0020
sitio web: www.centralavedentalny.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6713895, Longitude: -73.7084663

comentarios 5

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    Ash Cray


    He is a great dentist. I found him on Zoc Doc 3 years later I’m still a patient. His practice has grown a lot and the staff is really nice.

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    Chris Tina


    Why is this office on EVERY website claiming to accept my insurance, I set an appointment, and get a call from their office claiming that they don't....




    People always ask me who fixes your teeth, well,I can’t do it myself. I have worked with dozens of dentists over the years and Dr. Igor stands above the rest and I’ll tell you why. He has the temperament and the talent to diagnose and treat all sorts of dental problems. I have complete confidence in his ability and skill. Try Dr Igor you won’t be disappointed.

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    sveta kalimulina


    A good dentist is hard to find. Dedicated, knowledgeable and does the most painless root canal procedure i've ever had. Thank You

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    Sami Alboukai


    Dr. Igor is the dentist I've been looking for, in the last 20 years, I moved from one dentist to another, and finally, for the last year and a half, I'd see no other dentist. He's calm, professional, and highly analytical. Explains the steps clearly and does not take any shortcuts. I waited a whole year since I got the last "real" procedure done (a crown) to make sure I'm not making a mistake, and I affirm that he's really the best out there and worth the 20 mile drive. Look no further :o)

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