Dr. Hung M. Nguyen, DDS en Falls Church

Estados UnidosDr. Hung M. Nguyen, DDS


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7244, Arlington Boulevard, 22042, Falls Church, Fairfax County, US USA
contactos teléfono: +1 703-206-9202
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.8669892, Longitude: -77.1956935

comentarios 3

  • en

    Eric A


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    L S


    I have been going to this dentist since 2003, I have taken my kids, my sister and nephews and my others people. We have had a great experience with him all these years. He is funny and very welcoming to his patients and he works with those who need assistance in paying so that works great for those who don't have the money at front. I would recommend anyone to come to his office to give him a chance to work on your teeth. Trust me dental work is very expensive and the work he has done for me and my family has been great and didn't brake my bank account.

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    Raul R


    My father had a horrible experience with this dentist. In the 50 years of life that he has experienced with dentists this is by far the worst. Rude, rough, not one bit professional although he claimed to be. He wanted to remove the tooth without looking at other options, when finally agreed to proceed with an other option, did a poor job at filling. In just 2 weeks it came off. Wouldn't recommend this dentist to anyone, he just wants people in and out of his office, moves you from one place to another in no time, he rushes through something that should be done with ease. He doesn't even deserve one star!!

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