Dr. Glen Mitchell Endodontics i Boca Raton

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Forenede StaterDr. Glen Mitchell Endodontics



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900, Glades Road, 33431, Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 561-368-3636
internet side: www.toothsavers.net
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Latitude: 26.3644637, Longitude: -80.1050399

kommentar 5

  • Jennifer Rogers

    Jennifer Rogers


    Extremely professional, explained everything that they were going to do so I felt comfortable. Doc Glen and his assistant Cynthia were really nice, she even got me an ice pack because my wrist was bothering me. If you need to get a root canal done I would definitely recommend you come here!

  • Bo West

    Bo West


    Haven't had the pleasure of a root canal in several years, so was not looking forward to the experience again. But I have to say, if you have to have one, this is the place to go. Everyone from the receptionist to the Dental Assistant Cynthia, to Dr. Mitchell were professional and efficient. Cynthia was thorough and knowledgeable, taking the time to explain the procedures and making sure I was always comfortable. Dr. Mitchell was very professional, and took the time to answer any questions I had. The procedure itself was quick and painless. The facilities are beautiful, and equipped with the latest technology. All in all, they made an event that you are not enthusiastic about more like going to the spa!

  • Finn McCool

    Finn McCool


    Wow. I need five more stars to rate Dr. Mitchell, Ali, and Linda. The office is like a spa, very relaxing which helps a lot when you are waiting for a root canal. Linda gave me a small laptop to enter my information that took just a few minutes. Ali took me back to an amazing room with all the latest equipment with a beautiful view. He was very knowledgeable and answered all my questions before we started. I was amazed at how comfortable the X-ray was. Ali showed me the three roots on the X-ray and the new state-of-the-art laser they would use the dramatically reduced the pain and worked way better than the old method. Dr. Mitchell came in and got to work. There was no pain at all. It was like getting a cavity filled and before you know it, the procedure was done. I have recommended them to my family and friends.

  • devin alexander

    devin alexander


    Fantastic office! Dr Mitchell and all of his staff are top notch. Comfortable, timely, trustworthy, professional. Above and beyond. Scheduled root canal, very accommodating staff, beautiful environment. Very reasonable pricing. Doctor Mitchell is a Pro with a great vibe. His assistant Cynthia was a gem and the front desk (Linda & Arlene) is a warm welcome. Exactly the kind of place I’d trust for important dentistry. Thank you!

  • Rich Campbell

    Rich Campbell


    Second root canal Dr. Mitchell has done for me. Both times the service provided has been excellent. After the Novocain shots, I was so comfortable I could have fallen asleep, except he and his assistants kept making sure I was comfortable. He is a 5 star Endodontist, has a great personality and is very professional. The staff in his office are also 5 star. Needless to say I have no issues with both root canals.

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