Dr. Evangelos Megariotis, MD i Clifton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDr. Evangelos Megariotis, MD


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1450, Main Avenue, 07011, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-340-8500
internet side: www.orthopedicspecialistsofnewjersey.com
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Latitude: 40.8841575, Longitude: -74.1485498

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tony T


    Imagine that. He's got 4.6 stars, and was just barred from practice for being a dope dealer.

  • cool kid

    cool kid


    The best dr

  • en



    The staff is super nice for the most part. The only problem i have with this doctor, is there's always a 6 to 7 hour wait. Doctor megarotis is going abpoe and beyond to get my surgery done on my back. He explains everything in great detail. My PIP insurance is giving him troubles and he is still going through with the surgery. I recommend him to everyone.

  • Nancy Oyola

    Nancy Oyola


    I had the worst experience anyone could ever imagine. I was treated like a second class citizen. I currently live in Florida and specifically flew in last night just to see my doctor of 4 years. After waiting 7 hours standing because the office was over crowded, the rude receptionist announced at 8pm that the doctor was going home and she was going to reschedule everyone for another day. My appointment was for 1pm and I waited patiently for 7 long hours in a crowded office with a bunch of druggies. I was there to get my cortisone shot which should only take 10 minutes of the doctors time. During the 7 hours of waiting, the police were there three times and arrested several patients who were waiting in front of the office. There's no place to sit in the tiny office and people had no choice but to wait outside. This office will schedule at least 100 patients knowing that it is a violation to hold so many people in one tiny room. The office was full of drug addicts and all I listened to for 7 hours were people talking about opioids, heroine, coke and pot. From what I witnessed today, this doctor is prescribing opioids to anyone who walks into his office with or without an appointment. I have always been a faithful patient and I'm not comfortable with changing my doctors. I now will search for a good doctor in Florida and forget about these crazy doctors in Jersey. No wonder there's an epidemic of opioids abuse, it's because of doctors like Dr Megariotis who has turned so many people into drug addicts. I can't get over the fact that I couldn't get my cortisone shot which would only have taken ten minutes max of the doctors time. Not every patient is the same. I wasn't looking for a prescription or any type of drugs. I just wanted a quick fix shot to alleviate the pain. This office is shady and should be investigated by the FBI.

  • KILLA KASH EST. 1992

    KILLA KASH EST. 1992


    Currently a patient of Dr Megariotis. He is patient and compassionate. The staff at his Clifton office are kind and courteous. Thank you all!

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