Dr. Estelle Zandstra w Alpharetta

Stany ZjednoczoneDr. Estelle Zandstra



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5755, North Point Parkway, 30022, Alpharetta, Fulton County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 770-410-4999
strona internetowej: www.zandstradds.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.0526898, Longitude: -84.2808219

komentarze 5

  • Jasmin Bennett

    Jasmin Bennett


    All the staff and Dr.Zandstra are so helpful and kind with my my mom, who is very nervous about going to the dentist. They put her mind at easy and take great care of her. My mom loves going to them!

  • Anne Marie Williams

    Anne Marie Williams


    Forever grateful! Dr. Zandstra and her staff are absolutely amazing. Little back story, I had a beyond terrible 7+ year experience at another dentist that ended in a full mouth of failing bridges and crowns that he could not fix. The dentist had “over prepped” (basically shaved down my natural teeth too much) and the crowns did not have enough tooth to hold on to. I went to tons of consults with dentists, most of which didn’t even know where to start or seemed very uncertain. I was then referred to a renowned cosmetic dentist in the area who I had high hopes for but ultimately decided she did not feel comfortable taking on my case due to the complex nature of it and thankfully referred me to Dr. Zandstra. I have been seeing Dr. Zandstra for quite some time now and could not be more impressed with her. She is incredibly patient, knowledgeable, talented and truly cares. I’ve seen 2 oral surgeons and both had nothing but amazing things to say about her, both basically saying she is relentless and that I couldn’t have found a better Doctor to handle my case. I was so fearful and had almost given up when walking in to her office but she immediately made me comfortable and has made this experience so positive and completely reconstructed my teeth! I honestly never felt like I would be able to find someone in this field who I really trusted or truly cared. She is PHENOMENAL.

  • Sandra Friedman

    Sandra Friedman


    Dr. Estelle Zandstra is an amazing prosthodontist. She just moved into a brand new office that is bright and comfortable. Her staff are very welcoming and has a great dental hygienist. I highly recommend Dr. Zandstra if you want beautiful teeth and a beautiful smile.

  • Cliff Atfield

    Cliff Atfield


    Great experience so far. I have a long way to go, but Dr. Zandstra has been great along the way. She came with glowing reviews from others and her work has exceeded expectations.

  • Michelle Sheldon

    Michelle Sheldon


    BEAUTIFUL cosmetic work......Dr. Zandstra applied veneers to my daughter's two front teeth 13 years ago at age 18 and they were gorgeous. Recently she chipped one of them and Dr. Zandstra saw her quickly and was able to put temporaries on her teeth and create new veneers, which will be ready soon. She is compassionate and really cares about you and your teeth. Her office staff is also very helpful and caring. So appreciative of Dr. Zandstra and her office.

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