Dr. Casey Phillips w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneDr. Casey Phillips



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940, Western Avenue, 15233, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-321-3213
strona internetowej: www.theback.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.4518301, Longitude: -80.018241

komentarze 5

  • Vanessa Davis

    Vanessa Davis


    I hurt my back on 12/30. The worse pain I ever felt and was not Mobile for 2 days. I called and got an appointment right after New Years. After my consultation and care of why it happened I got my to experience my relief. I was ina scale of 1 to 10 a 7 and after seeing Dr Phillips it was a 3. He put my fears at rest and I am going back today to continue my care. Highly recommend and his convenient office on Western Ave is so convenient. Thank you so much !! Vanessa

  • Karen



    Dr Casey has treated me and three of my children over the past 12 years. He is always welcoming and his visits are relaxing and comfortable. One of my daughters was born with JRA and the adjustments and treatments he provides, helps her feel better so she can enjoy life more. In this rush and hurry world, Dr Casey always takes the time to listen and talk with his patients so they understand the treatments and why he recommends them. And he has really cool massage chairs that you get to sit in and let the tension of your day fall away.

  • en

    Michael Yolch


    A fractured lumbar, car accidents, and a weightlifting injury all culminated to a great deal of pain in every region of my back and neck. After years of suffering, countless bottles of pain killers, and ZERO results from numerous doctors and specialists (including other Chiropractors), I FINALLY discovered Dr. Casey Phillips. This man is a true MASTER of his craft. Within a very short span of treatments, Dr. Phillips has rendered me absolutely 100% pain free; and 100% drug free. Every single aspect of my life has been vastly improved now that I am no longer suffering. I am immeasurably grateful for the astonishing difference that he has made in my life!!!

  • Sunnie Fenk

    Sunnie Fenk


    Very welcoming environment, and Dr. Phillips is great! My first visit he took the time and explained why I was having so much pain in my back - I couldn't bend, and was in tears trying to bathe and dress myself or even put on my shoes. After a few visits I am now pain free and continue to visit for maintenance appointments. Thanks to Dr. Phillips I am back to my regular routines and activities! :)

  • en

    Lynsey Prorok


    I was a chiropractic virgin when I went to see Dr. Phillips. From the first call I made to his office, I knew I had nothing to fear. His staff, Amanda and Kim, are amazing. They are both extremely helpful and make for a welcoming environment. Dr. Phillips is also amazing. He spent a lot of time with me during my first few appointments to make sure I understood why I was there, what he was doing and why he was doing it. For years I have had sciatic pain and in a matter of weeks, after seeing Dr. Phillips, I feel amazing with little to no pain at all. Do yourself a favor and give them a call. You will thank Dr. Phillips, and your body will thank you!

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