Dr. Anatoly Bartov, DMD w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDr. Anatoly Bartov, DMD



🕗 godziny otwarcia

980, East 12th Street, 11230, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-377-3222
strona internetowej: www.empiredentalny.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6253303, Longitude: -73.9644721

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ruslana G.


    As Doc he is ok, but this front desk terrible. When you have an appointment you waiting 30 and more because they took an emergency person before your 9am appointment. But when you have an emergency he takes other people and you sitting 4 hr and they telling you no chairs available this is how they treat kids.

  • Chaparrito Mx

    Chaparrito Mx


    I go to this dentist all the time. He is very knowledgeable and explains everything before he does anything. Thank you very much, youre the best. A+++ Dmitriy S.

  • en

    Brenda Catana


    Excellent staff. Great dentist very professional.

  • en

    Z B


    Great dentist. Was able to get a same day appointment. Staff was very helpful, they were very nice and able to look up my insurance info for me. I am super afraid of dental work with very sensitive gums. They gave me numbing medicine for the cleaning which the doctor did himself! That has never happened to me. My teeth feel amazing. Also no "dental shaming" since it has been so long since my last visit (years). Also while I need a few fillings replaced there was no pressure to do it right away and no upsell on cosmetic dentistry. I will definitely be coming back and bringing the family! Great to find someone in the neighborhood.

  • en

    Miriam Klein


    Dr Bartov and his staff are very friendly. Dr Bartov is excellent with with children and teenagers, he is very patient with them and always helpful. I highly recommend him.

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