Dr. Adam Rauzman, DDS en Hawthorne

Estados UnidosDr. Adam Rauzman, DDS



🕗 horarios

164, Warburton Avenue, 07506, Hawthorne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 973-427-4201
sitio web: pallottarauzman.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.952888, Longitude: -74.155629

comentarios 5

  • en

    Amy Roughgarden


    Been a patient since I was a child and now my children go with me. Everyone is always friendly and smiling when we walk in. The staff is wonderful and very patient with my girls. Highly recommended!

  • Jason Diller

    Jason Diller


    Everyone here is super nice and very smart. In my opinion, they are the best dentist in Hawthorne, NJ. I would recommend them to anyone in Bergen County or Passaic County that's looking for an amazing dental experience.

  • Lucia Natal

    Lucia Natal


    I was in a lot of pain because of an infected tooth. I wanted relief right away. They gave me an appointment the same day I called. I had no wait time while I was there. Any procedures done were explained in full detail. Office staff was always polite and very sweet! Dr. Rauzman and his staff made it an easy, comfortable, and pleasant visit! Highly recommended!

  • en

    AJ Santino


    Fantastic place! The staff is personable and friendly and they all really seem to love their jobs! Unlike other offices visits that I've had, I actually look forward to getting my teeth cleaned. It's quick, painless and the hygienist always finds a way to make you smile. I like how the office is CLEAN! In fact its spotless and this is huge for me. Fantastic job on presentation and execution! They definitely operate at a high level! Blessings!

  • en

    Kristi Austin


    What a great place to go and have your teeth cleaned! Love the staff! Everyone is helpful and happy. Office manager is very accommodating and pleasant to deal with. My hygienist, Marla is the best! Always offering great solutions to my dental woes!

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