Downtown Aquarium i Denver

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Forenede StaterDowntown Aquarium



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700, Water Street, 80211, Denver, Denver County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 303-561-4450
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Latitude: 39.751798, Longitude: -105.0136492

kommentar 5

  • Justen Staufer

    Justen Staufer


    I am a little biased since my brother dives and volunteers here. We love coming down to see him, and he does a great job of interacting with the children in the exhibits. Do not miss the octopus. They are super smart, very engaging, but in a very small exhibit and easy to miss. He is near the stingray exhibit, which are a fun to feed. The fish get sushi grade food. So they are very healthy. Also the mermaids at the restaurant are show stopper for the kids so stop to eat on your way out.

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    Aaron Pfeifer


    Even when busy, still can see some really cool stuff. The otters are definitely a great part as they are so active. If you can catch a Mermaid, your little girl will really love it. A few interactive things like petting string rays and starfish.

  • Ashlee Colado

    Ashlee Colado


    Such a fun experience for my family of 7. We've done other aquariums like sea life and this one was way better then the others we've been to… they also have Tigers, birds, snakes, and other land animals. You also have the option to play games, Pet stingrays, and the kiddos can get their faces painted while you drink a Starbucks beverage. All in all great Experience. And if you have time they also have a restaurant inside which would have probably been fun but we did not get to it experience that part

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    Jennifer Goldberg


    The absolutely love this place! It is a great place for the family. It consists of more than just Fish. There is also reptiles and even a tiger! In addition to the exhibit, there is a excellent gift shop as well as a wonderful restaurant, Landry's. The price to enter can be a little expensive. If you want to dine in the restaurant, it's great to have a Landry's dining card. If you do, you do not have to wait in line. Whenever we go and want to eat there, there is always a very long wait, however, because we have a Landry's card we always walk right in. So if you are planning to dine there, see if you can get a Landry's card first. It will benefit you when it comes to your dining pleasure LOL. I hope you find this helpful.

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    shannon hart


    This was really a pleasure to visit. A bit quaint and small in stature but still packed with beautiful and fun goodies. Included an opportunity to feed stingrays! I will never forget that experience it was a lot of fun we got soaked! Staff was very friendly and knowledgeable including an opportunity to learn about and understand the indoor tiger enclosure. There was a huge waterfall storm like scenario they had set up that was kinda terrifying but awesome.. lots of both fresh and salt water fish, sharks and turtles. Sea horses, starfish and invertebrates! I would definitely visit again!

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