Douglaston French Cleaners w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDouglaston French Cleaners



🕗 godziny otwarcia

242-1, Northern Boulevard, 11362, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-225-7974
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7655577, Longitude: -73.7442312

komentarze 4

  • en

    Brian D


  • en

    Gio Mangano


    Excellent service!

  • eddie fahmy

    eddie fahmy


    So I started using this dry cleaner when i moved into the neighborhood over 2 years ago. i bring all my cloths to him on a bi weekly basis. Each time the bill is around $100 - $150 because I get everything dry cleaned and what i dont get dry cleaned i sent to laundry. I recently went away for a few days and decided to take my favorite Michael Kors shirt to go out to dinner with. Wrapped in its plastic i took it with me and when i went out to dinner i unwrapped the shirt and noticed some staining which looked like bleach on the front of the shirt. I was so upset... So i go home and head to dry cleaners to show him my shirt and he sais i dont use bleach thats a bleach stain and i dont know if i F...... cleaned the shirt anyway..i said are you kidding me kmow me for 2 years i bring all my cloths here and you have never had a problem like this with me except for the fact you almost lost my cloths 2x and denied that i braught them in and when i inssited you keep looking you eventually found it... he said there was nothing he would do for me not even im sorry let me give you a credit NOTHING. This guy must think he is still liviing in a 3rd world country. Here he is in Americia living the American Dream owning his own busisness and not smart enough to be nice and courteous to a reg customer that has spent at least 3-5 thousand dollars there in the past 2 years... So i recomend no one ever use this dry cleaner and teach this guy a lesson as well as other business like him who want to take our money but not stand behind their service when they make a mistake..Total rip off

  • en

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