Douglas Barber Shop i Phoenix

Forenede StaterDouglas Barber Shop



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3303, North 24th Street, 85016, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 602-381-8888
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.486067, Longitude: -112.0298448

kommentar 5

  • mark hammer

    mark hammer


    Always a great cut. New location just as good as the Chandler location.

  • en

    Marco Alvarez


    People left here are rude and unprofessional most of the time. Their hours arent exactly accurate and they always have a sign up saying their bathroom is out of order even though I believe it is required to have a properly working one by the certification rules. Most of their best barbers have left not sure why but the ones left arent that great although not terrible either. Will do in a bind. Their wait hours are not as bad as they used to be at all because most of their best talent is gone.

  • en

    Edgar Roman Lopez


    Great place to get a haircut

  • en



    Come see Douglas Barber shop at the 2nd location... Check out Verro for that old school style fade!! 5 stars for her love coming to this place on a weekly basis. Thanks again for such good hair cut ✂!!!

  • David Gonzales

    David Gonzales


    Douglas is a great place to get a haircut. It's very clean, fast cut, looks well, and the waiting time isnt long. This is Douglas new shop. He has a lot of experience around the valley cutting hair. Veronica cuts hair well also, she also has many years experience. The best part of this barbershop is they sell the Johnny B hair gel without the pumps. This means you get more gel for your money. (The pumps easily remove at least 10% of the gel in the bottle). Overall this is a great barbershop and definitely worth the visit. Don't forget to leave a nice tip.

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