Dotty's w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneDotty's



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4213, Boulder Highway, 89121, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-898-1502
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1298618, Longitude: -115.082243

komentarze 5

  • Milagros Gonzalez

    Milagros Gonzalez


    Best place n every like employee I love going there's they make me.feel welvome

  • Hall Phelicia

    Hall Phelicia


    This little two-piece gaming bikini is liken to a mullet; business (ur own) in the front and party in the back. Two equally entertaining game rooms each with their own identities. Side One The smaller side has a grand size bar with video gaming, Libations, and a select all-American menu. For the snackers there are complimentary nuts, pretzels and candy mixes; and as long as ur gambling, libations are complementary too. Two large screen televisions hang from the ceiling in the middle of bar for all top see. Captions for those who are interested. Music of every genre is playing in the background. Very quaint and cozy; more for the relaxed and patient. Side Two Upon entrance there is a bar similar to that on the other side by but not even half the size. It offers all the same amenities as the smaller side except the entire room is filed with slots, video poker and keno machines. The music is much louder, as are the patronson that side. Much more animated. They offer a loyalty card with redeemable points for cash; occasionally they have contests for points and cash prizes Unfortunately I have yet to win a jackpot but it's kool; they at least keep me playing for more than an hour or two.

  • Elizabeth Agati

    Elizabeth Agati


    Unlike most Dotty's, they don't empty ashtrays and pick up empty bottles enough nor do they go around asking who wants drinks enough. They are almost out of the free snack bar snacks. I didn't care for some of the people there either although most were nice. They do have several of the old and new Buffalo slot machines which are vey popular, and I had have won a reasonable amount of money, so if loose slots and variety are your cup of tea then this is the place for you. This is not a reflection of all Dotty's locations. One of the best Dotty's I've been to is in the strip mall on Flamingo and Maryland Pkwy. They always have a full " free snack station", they are always checking on all the customers to see who needs anything, and they CLEAN the gaming area frequently. My favorite staff members are Sharon, and I miss Betty who now works in a different location. These women are " no nonsense" people and very knowledgeable about how to fix minor problems with machines. Very service oriented. They know their job inside and out and do it well! Dotty's casinos overall are the best place to gamble for slot, card and keno games.They give player/member rewards, have give away items, mail out monthly vouchers for free money and prize drawings and are always finding new and exciting bonus games and features.They also mail you a birthday and Christmas card with free money. Your monthly free money is relative to the amount invested while you have your player's card in the machines. Hands down, most popular place for locals .

  • en

    harry hankerson


    Dotty's are the best places to socially gamble in Nevada particularly due to their player card system, not only do you earn points quickly, due to there daily point multipliers and 16x point machines, your points are virtually instantaneously available to redeem as cash or free play with the console on every machine. Additionally every month depending on your amount of play you receive fliers that allow you to enter weekly drawings for 20 dollars - 10 winners each short-, also you receive red dollars - transferable for cash every Saturday and a variety of other monthly games and drawings ad provided by Dotty's. The machines hit just as well as in any other gambling establishment and the drinks are free as long as you gamble the minimum 25 cents per play. The hosts/servers are usually courteous and quite friendly due the relatively small venues and to top it all off they have the cheapest cigarettes in town.

  • Tiffany Smith

    Tiffany Smith


    Since moving here I found to enjoy most of any of my gambling at the local dottys. Have all kinds of snacks, drinks and they will make you a hot meal off their menu. Their hot dogs are the best ever. Love the atmosphere if your at one of the better locations. They have 180 something in Vegas so their pretty easy to find.

najbliższy Bar

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