Donnelly & Sproul Inc i Glen Rock

Forenede StaterDonnelly & Sproul Inc



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55, Harristown Road, 07452, Glen Rock, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-493-9002
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.9492453, Longitude: -74.1439074

kommentar 5

  • Ellen B

    Ellen B


    Brielle Kane was incredibly helpful getting me the type of insurance I needed for a second home I inherited. She responded quickly to my questions and always maintained friendly attitude. I highly recommend Donnelly & Sproul for all of your insurance needs.

  • bob pellecchia

    bob pellecchia


    Fast ,Easy, straight forward, Professional, Every question was answered in finite detail. Anthony Parisi was the best . He saved us thousands of dollars. Travelers saves you thousands and thousands $$$$$$$$$ Thank you Anthony !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • en

    Heather Pagano


    This company is the best company to deal with personally speaking. The workers are so sweet, knowledgeable, and understanding along with punctual and observant. I have had my car insurance with them since i was 17 (now, 25) and never had a problem. Was always able to come in and sit down with any questions or concerns i may have and always left with a smile on my face. My father uses this company for not only his vehicles but for business insurance on his properties. Always was able to get copies of these insurance documents via email and mail so it was always accessible.

  • Jeremy Lebled

    Jeremy Lebled


    I cannot describe how happy I was with the service I received. Anthony Parisi went above and beyond to help me receive the best coverage possible. He answered all my questions thoroughly and made it easy to understand everything. I felt like I was family and not just another sales number. I recommend very highly Donnelly & Sproul Inc if you want the best customer service possible. Make sure to ask for Anthony! He will take care of all your needs. Thanks again!

  • en

    Leisa Ehrlich


    Dealing with insurance of all kinds is never easy or pleasant. Donnelly $ Sproul make it both easy and pleasant. I have worked with them for over 20 years and they do whatever they can to get the job done in the most efficient and best way possible. The best Broker I have ever dealt with.

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