Donald M Kendall Sculpture Gardens i Harrison

Forenede StaterDonald M Kendall Sculpture Gardens



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700, Anderson Hill Road, 10577, Harrison, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-253-3150
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.03451, Longitude: -73.6929144

kommentar 5

  • en



    I would give this place -5 stars if it was possible. This use to be a nice place until they decided to add ridiculous rules. I use to be able to bring my dog and there was never ever a problem with dogs. Now no dogs allowed. This is so horrendous. I bring my dog all over with me and so do many other people and i have never seen or heard of one problem. I go to restaurants, airports, on planes, department stores and many different places with my dog and it is fine. I use to be able to go any day of the week now its only 2 days a week. This is horrible. These people who run this place have are heartless and have no regard for the people who use the park. Dont waste your time going to this place it isnt worth it when the people who control it are so thoughtless.

  • Zack Cruise

    Zack Cruise


    Great collection of works that are available to the public on Saturdays and Sundays. When the weather is nice, this is definitely a place you should check out – especially if you’ve never even heard of it. I lived in the area for many years before it came to my attention, and I wish I had known about it sooner. It’s free, there is plenty of parking, and it’s very peaceful.

  • Virginia Benedict

    Virginia Benedict


    What a playful sculpture garden! You will experience works created by renowned kinetic art sculptors such as Alexsander Calder, George Rickey, Kenneth Nelson... Kids friedly. Make sure you download the Sculpture Garden App. Groups are required to book at least 10 business day in advance. On the PepsiCo website they provide you with a form to complete and email to the provided address. It is free to visit.

  • en

    Michael Gorman


    Note: The gardens are closed for the winter. They will reopen again in March. Finally open again after several years of renovation. Free and open to the public on weekends 10am to 4pm. Looks the same except for a few new sculptures. I visited on the first weekend in April and most of the plants are a few weeks away from blooming. Very pleasant to walk around the grounds and enjoy the art and nature. 5 picnic benches available where you may eat.

  • Mikhail Titkov

    Mikhail Titkov


    Очень красивое, ухоженное, тихое место. Прекрасный ландшафт, хорошо подобранные растения, интересные скульптуры.

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